Saturday, October 22, 2005

Alternative Emergency Medicine: Complementary and Integrative Energy Healing & Medical Intuition

Alternative Emergency Medicine: Complementary and Integrative Energy Healing & Medical Intuition

Brent Atwater announces the expansion of the Emergency Medicine area in her holistic complementary and integrative Medical Intuitive and Healing Energy Medicine practice. Her work has produced beneficial results for those in emergency, trauma, critical or intensive care and catastrophic injury situations.

Emergency medicine in trauma centers is critical and intensive care at it's best and most hectic. There is no time to consult the medical dictionaries, or wait for a specialist. Diagnosis and healing must occur immediately!

Brent sees inside a client's body (either onsite or at a distance) like an x ray, MRI, CAT, or PET scan. For trauma care triage nurses and emergency room doctors this ability saves precious time identifying the extent, severity and location of the trauma injury and helping to determe whether a patient needs critical or intensive care responses. It is particularly effective in pediatric critical care or pediatric intensive care situations due to its noninvasive quality and lack of side effects. You can be located anywhere on earth & I can give you my medical intuitive findings or distance energy healing by telephone.

Energy Healing and medical intuitive work is complementary to and compatible with emergency medicine. Healing Energy is non invasive, and can be done onsite, or at a distance creating beneficial effects and results for the patient while the physicians or pediatricians are using allopathic treatments and during their procedures.

The Healing Energy has very beneficial effects in the following conditions:
Stabilizing Heart rate, raises oxygen levels
Blood disorders, Septicemia/Systemic Infection, embolism, bleeding
Bone fracture, bone regeneration
Brain Injury, Brain trauma, Stroke, TIA,
Seizures, Concussion
Cardiac, Electromagnetic disorders
Catastrophic & critical injury
Cervical disc & neck trauma
Chronic Pain relief
Musculoskeletal symptoms, muscular regenerations
Neuromuscular disease, disorder, paralysis
Nerve damage, nerve trauma, nerve entrapment,
Nerve disorders, Nerve injury & Nerve pain, nerve paralysis
Neurological injury and trauma
Spinal Cord injury, spinal cord trauma, herniated disc, lumbar spine
Trauma injury,
Critical care and intensive care, emergency energy medicine
See Sports Injury & Alternative Healing Page
See Main Alternative Healing Disease & Disorders Page

Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive & Distance Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206USA
Web site :

Friday, October 21, 2005

Energy Healing for Your Sick Children, Family Members & Friends with Love.

Energy Healing for Your Sick Children, Family Members & Friends with Love.

The alternative medicine of Love is a great Healer. Often times when a child is sick, a Mother doesn't know where to turn other than to allopathic medicine. Complementary to and integrated with traditional medical treatments and procedures is love. There have been many "miraculous" turn arounds and healings that have been supported by a caregiver or family member who thru love have held hope and belief that the patient will get well against all the odds. A caregiver's loving touch, prayers and contribution to a positive environment and positive attitudes can help change the course of an illness. Below are some suggestions to help facilitate healing in someone you love.

As a caregiver, you can learn ways to help your "patient's" environment, which in turn contributes to their well-being. The environment that surrounds a sick person takes on the energy of those people that participate in the patient's healing journey. It is imperative to have all those that are working towards the health of the patient to have a positive "can do" attitude. Even unspoken dismay and disbelief permeates the patient's and the environment's energy field, and contributes negative energy that cancels a positive atmosphere. Holding a positive loving attitude creates a subliminal environmental energy support system that inspires the desire to live and to have better health.

Unless medically prohibited, plants help an environment, as do cheerful colors, soothing music, prayer and laughter. Laughter therapy is rapidly gaining ground as a healing modality, like positive attitudes. Create a happy book, wall, or poster board with fun pictures to contribute to positive mental health that assists healing. The power of laughter and positive attitudes both trigger the brain to create chemicals that cause the body to create better immune system responses which is critical when combating illness.

On a physical level, a caregiver can use their love to help the patient's health.
(Information for this exercise: you receive energy with your left hand and send energy if you are right handed, and the reverse if you are left handed.)
If you are right handed, placing your left hand on your heart and your right hand on the patient's left hand state: "Thru the Love of my heart I send you my life force energy to do with as you so choose on your healing journey." This honors the patient's journey, whether it is being physically cured or healing thru transition.

Another technique is to hold the ball of the patient's feet in the palm of your hands and state: "I send you my life force energy to use as you so choose, and it is my intent to remove any and all excess, unnecessary, toxic, pain and unhealthy energy and to replace that energy with the physically healing, pain free energy of the Christ White Light (or the Universe, or whatever power source that you acknowledge). So be it, it is done." This helps the patient to become more balanced and stabilized. It has shown great results.

Healing and the power of healing on all levels can to be summed up in the phrase "and the greatest of these is love."

Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.

Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Medical Intuition & Distance Energy Healing for Sports injuries & pain

Sports Medicine, Alternative Medicine & Energy Medicine: Energy Healing for Sports injuries, rehabilitation and Sports Pain therapy and management

In addition to her alternative health and holistic Energy Medicine practice addressing disease and disorder, Brent Atwater's medical intuitive and distance energy healing work has produced beneficial results in Sports medicine, (Alternative Sports Medicine healing , Pain therapy and Sports rehabilitation) for those tough sports injuries. see or

Medial intuition saves precious time identifying what needs to be treated. Brent's ability to look into a client's body like a MRI or Xray machine ( either onsite or at a distance) to determine the extent ans severity of the injusry is a real asset in sports medicine on the playing field or in the emergency room. She . In the weeks and months following the initial sports injury, using her medical intution can help refine pain management, sports therapies and rehabilitation treatments for ongoing issues, chronic pain and health conditions created by your sports injury.

As a distance energy healer, Brent's bioenergy work is electromagnetic in nature, like magnet therapy or electromagnetic TENS unit muscle stimulator therapy. Her work has created wonderful results with numbness, nerve damage, paralysis, chronic pain management, and other neuromuscular, or neuroskeletal disorders, back pain, spinal cord injury and others. See

Brent work is complementary with chiropractors, sports physicians, health care practitioners, atheletic trainers and sports rehabilitation therapists, atheletes and individuals. She integrates her energy healing with their procedures and treatments.

Brent participates in ongoing research and clinical trials.Her medical intuitive and distance energy healing work is doccumented.

Sports injury conditions in which her energy healing work has very beneficial effects:
Back Pain, low-back pain ( lumbago)
Blood disorders, Septicemia/Systemic Infection, embolism, bruising
Bone fracture regeneration, Stress fractures
Brain Injury, Stroke, TIA, Seizures, Concussion
Cardiac, Electromagnetic disorders
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Catastrophic & critical injury
Cervical disc & neck pain
Chronic Pain relief, pain management
InflammationDeep Vein Thrombosis
Musculoskeletal symptoms, muscular regenerations, muscle soreness
Neuromuscular disease, disorder therapy,
Nerve damage, nerve inflammation, nerve entrapment,Nerve disorders,
Nerve injury & Nerve pain
Neurological disorders and disease
Spinal Cord injury, herniated disc, lumbar spine pain

"Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges" is also a great book and resource for those long standing Sports injuries, using your mind over your matter!For further details see:

Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.

Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA
Web site :
Sports Medicine Blog: