Friday, August 26, 2011

Pet loss memorials, positive pet loss grief support- pets obituaries and pet tribute, Global groups worldwide

As an Animal Medical Intuitive, I created a positive way to address your grief and honor your pet

Pets Obituaries and Pet Tribute worldwide Group and Page on Facebook was created for those suffering pet loss to write a positive pet obituary to permanently honor the life you and your pet shared with a Pet Tribute that follows

Ex: Mikey KItty April 1997 - September 2011 then details
Ex: Mikey Kitty Tribute: Tell your story

This provides a positive way to express and share your grief with people around the world. Its not about comiserating, its about a positive placard to honor your pets life!
join us with your rememberance and share with your friends

Contact Information:
Brent Atwater,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pet Guardian's Pet Loss Grief Support a Pet Loss Ambassador of Hope™!

What is a Pet Loss Ambassador of Hope™?

Through happy times and times of despair your pet companion, service or therapy animal is there for you! Companion animals are unconditional love machines looking into your eyes understanding everything you are innately communicating and asking for nothing but love, compassionate treatment and some really good treats in return!

Losing your pet is a soul touching and heartbreak experience beyond compare. It’s understandable and psychologically sound to address and support a person’s emotional distress after pet loss with trained animal bereavement counselors and through professional allopathic healthcare standards and procedures. However it is unhealthy to totally embrace a “mending” attitude that relies only on pet death grief as the sole focus while discouraging or not presenting any alternative viewpoints for a patient to consider during the course of their treatment.

The prevailing pet loss grief support atmosphere is about “emotionally working through your pain”, perpetual memorials, or ongoing sharing of endless recounting of the devastating details during your pet’s death and reading about or recanting in your local or online group(s) the venting of everyone else’s sadness. Additionally, today’s emotional approach to animal loss appears to understand moping rather than promoting hoping. It’s more about “recovery” rather than empowering discovery! Animal bereavement counselors seem to center on dealing with pet death strife rather than suggesting the possibility of reincarnation’s RE-life! They focus on overcoming grief with techniques to “get you through.”

Pet Loss Ambassadors of Hope™ offer uplifting educational materials for you to consider and revitalizing personal experiences that invite, encourage and support an individual to question their current perspectives and consider wider beliefs that have been honored by the world’s largest and major religions since before 3000 BC. It’s interesting that “modern medicine” is just now accepting Acupuncture as a “new” pain control method. Acupuncture has been around over 6000 years. Perhaps naysayers of reincarnation might want to reconsider.

Pet Loss Ambassadors come is a variety forms. The pet guardian who has experienced the joy of animal reincarnation and is living with their reincarnated pet is the highest level! This person has lived through all of the stages of their pet’s transition over the Rainbows Bridge, the “am I crazy?” self questioning, the incessant searching for reconnection and then reuniting with their soul pet in perfect timing under Universal “coincidences.” Along their path to expanded awareness and higher consciousness, they have learned about personal heartbreak at the highest emotional level through the death of a loved one. They have waded through the pressure of unknowing individuals criticizing what their heart and soul believed to be true- that animal death is not the end of love, it’s the time for a pet to exchange an unhealthy or worn our body for a new one in order to continue on their soul’s journey with their pet guardian.

The key ingredient to being a Pet Loss Ambassador of Hope™ is a positive approach that views transition over the Rainbow Bridge as the beginning of Re-life and reuniting with your forever fur baby and soul pet. It fosters a belief that animal reincarnation could be or is real and an ongoing part of the everlasting human animal bond spiritual agreement whether in multiple times in a single incarnation or multiple times in various incarnations.

A Pet Loss Ambassador of Hope™ is not a designation bestowed only to an individual. Any company, manufacturer, institution, Trust, 501(c) organization, educational or healthcare facility, book store, well being or spiritual center, local veterinarian, homeless rescue shelter or pet sitting service and many more can choose to address pet death with a positive spin that ignites hope! It’s an understanding or knowing that animal reincarnation is a revitalizing truth! and a dog’s, cat’s or any pet’s NEVER ending love story!

Brent Atwater
Global Pet Loss Bridge to Hope!™ Initiative
Turning pet loss heartbreak into joy!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Do All Pet Loss Grief Support Rainbow Bridge Links and Resources Focus on Grief? No! See an Animal Hope Counselor™

What is an Animal Hope Counselor™?

Over 15,000 American family pets (dog and cats) die each day. This number does not include those in animal rescue havens, homeless pet shelters, feral animals or strays. This figure does not take into account other types of animal companions, or household pets that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and transitioned in other countries.

Pet loss grief is a real emotional concern in today’s society. Most people consider their pet animals family members. Anti aging and health research validates that intimate pet companions, therapy animals or just plain loved pets contribute to an individual’s length of life, quality of life and various other emotional, health and physical additives.

To address this ongoing and rising family and personal bereavement issue, many pet loss grief support books are being published. This new wave of empathy for a devastated animal lover’s loss has created a new industry of pet loss sympathy gifts, cards, memorials and accessories. All strive to express condolences, validate and minimize personal pain after animal loss.

The children’s book industry has identified pet loss as a market to enable parents to address and promote a healthy attitude and belief structure surrounding the time when children grieve the death of a family pet. The greeting card industry has established a pet loss category, and memorializing your pets with various decorative accessories or personal apparel is becoming commonplace.

Since pet loss is a recurrent part of the human life cycle, the need has never been greater to address the positive side of pet loss for emotional and physical well being. Grief grief counselors, animal bereavement services, companion animal grief counselors all deal with grieving the loss of a pet.

Even the American Veterinary Medical Association has some guidelines and ways to deal with loss. Online, there are many sites dedicated to the Rainbow Bridge, Pet loss and even the Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement, Inc., “the only Internet site with professionally trained volunteers in pet bereavement counseling.” There are myriad pet loss links and resource networks.

Current pet loss counseling practices and the “coping with pet loss” process focuses on grief and death memorials. Animal Hope Counselors™ focus on positive spiritual perspectives that ignite hope. The concept of permanent pet loss, a forever angel animal, never returning from the Rainbow Bridge or not seeing your pet again is a limited awareness when dealing with the death of a pet.

Animal Hope Counselors™ center their attention on a larger consciousness that includes Re-life through animal reincarnation; a belief embraced by some of the world’s oldest and largest religions and has been around since the Egyptian era.

Animal Hope Counselors™ bring together an awareness of death that illuminates the integral human animal bond of spiritual agreements, ongoing animal communication and pets soul contracts that concentrate on joyous reunions, not just death. As this positive perspective about pet transition permeates our society, Animal Hope Counselors™ will help eliminate the existing personal pet loss devastation response seen in today’s stressful environment, and replace this death/grief reaction with a broader more positive spiritual approach to well being.

Brent Atwater
Global Pet Loss Bridge to Hope!™ Initiative
Turning pet loss heartbreak into joy!


Saturday, April 09, 2011

Brent Atwater's Bridge to Hope™ for Pet Loss Initiative Goes Global Today! Turning Pet Loss Heartbreak into Joy!

Meg Martin for Brent Atwater
(404) 889-1708

The Global Pet Loss Bridge to Hope™ Initiative Starts Today!
Turning Pet Loss Heartbreak into Joy!

April 4, 2011 –Atlanta, Ga. – Brent Atwater launches the Global Pet Loss Bridge to Hope™ Initiative - “Turning Pet Loss Heart Break into Joy!” to expand awareness for those suffering from the devastating death of a pet. Ms. Atwater’s decades of animal reincarnation research and her weekly Q & A radio shows illuminated the extraordinary need for perspectives beyond current pet loss grief support viewpoints. Ms Atwater states, “Research has proven that pets are an intimate part of most families and a beneficial healthy addition to people’s lives. Pet Loss is an ongoing part of the human life cycle. The need has never been greater to address the positive side of pet loss for well being. We need to heighten consciousness re: animal reincarnation. In order to facilitate a shift in awareness surrounding the death of a pet, Pet Loss Ambassadors of Hope™ and Animal Hope Counselors™ are professionally trained individuals that help uplift emotional suffering during pet bereavement and ignite hope.”

Ms. Atwater is the foremost authority on animal reincarnation. Brent’s passion is to ignite hope for those whose heart is broken. The spiritual perspective of “re-life after death” stops the perpetuation of the grief concept that “my pet is gone forever.”
For more information contact or

After law school and her fiancĂ©’s death Brent refocused her career. Known as a “Human MRI,” Brent Atwater is internationally sought after for her extraordinary ability to see inside a body to diagnose current and future health issues.

Ms Atwater’s medical intuitive diagnosis is documented with respected and published case studies. At age 5, Brent’s intuitive gifts were discovered by Duke University’s Dr. J.B. Rhine during his initial studies for ESP. Her ability to read energy also allows her to determine if and when a pet will return and what they will look like.

Ms. Atwater has authored 10 Just Plain Love® Books, including “I’m Home” a Never Ending Love Story, a trilogy of true animal reincarnation stories. Each book has a section devoting multiple chapters to answering questions about pet reincarnation and is translated into French and late 2011 into Spanish and German.

Brent will be signing “Animal Reincarnation: Everything You Always Wanted to Know!” at 2011 INATS-W in Denver, CO.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Is Your Pet Loss Grief Support Group a Positive or Negative Experience?

Is Your Pet Loss Grief Support Group a Positive or Negative Experience?  A Really Tough Question!

Adapted from Brent Atwater’s book
"Animal Reincarnation, Everything You Always Wanted to Know!”
Just Plain Love® Books- 2011

Support groups for pet connections through angel animals, animal spirits, pet networks, animal afterlife and Rainbow Bridge residents come in all sizes and flavors; in person, in healthcare facilities, in church, in homeless pet shelters, animal rescue groups, other organizations and online. They are promoted to provide substantive and positive emotional and spiritual support. Does your pet loss group meet the criteria for a positive or negative experience?

A positive proactive support group is one that encourages learning. This group promotes going forward and helps facilitate expanded awareness and your empowerment. They are a blessing in your life!

The positive group leader is not intimidated by your unanswerable questions, but inspired to become more educated. This moderator encourages you to ask questions that require more research in order to challenge each group member to think beyond the present pet loss “was” circumstances and into a larger mindset of “is it possible my pet could reincarnate?”

This open minded attitude discourages group members from maintaining a “my pet is forever gone” victim mentality.

A positive animal bereavement group is aware of the psychological reasons you might be using your negative reaction for “sympathy attention.” They understand this is a confusing and complicated time in your life. However, an animal grief counselor will try to reconstruct a new awareness through uplifting approaches to addressing your life without your cherished animal companion. The moderator’s job is to facilitate your moving through this time of emotional pain and loneliness, not enable self pity.

From your introductory "pet loss story" to your weekly “how are you doing” tale of woe, the negative pet loss support group meets only to celebrate the identity you created from the devastating death of your pet. This is a "victim" group, bonding with others and commiserating in perpetual negative energy at the highest level of disguise.

No matter how much you think this group is helping you cope with the death of a pet, they are not. They exist to talk about and share negative experiences creating a "stuck" atmosphere. It's bonding by ongoing "downers." You do not receive points for being a victim of your pet loss. You are in fact, contributing to your own demise.

It should be a great concern to participate in a group that does nothing but recount what “was” and all the continual unhappiness permeating the lives of its pet loss participants. Inevitably this will negatively impact participant's minds and spirits. Your pet’s death details and painful suffering do not need to be addressed over and over, again and again.

Since you’ve already lived your pet loss “story,” why would anyone keep activating that grief and negative energy? This is a common scenario in online Internet groups. Research substantiates that recounting your horror story and reading the countless painful venting of others does not facilitate positive mental responses.

Acceptance is one thing, denial another. Being “the victim” of your pet’s death drains your energy. Experiencing pet loss and addressing it with the "pity poor me" approach is futile. It may elicit help for a while, but the key here is "for a while." Give up the pity party. Look for a new pet loss grief perspective to restore your heart and inspire hope.

As long as you are recounting what “was,” you are living in the past. I know folks who are still telling the same story about “Fluffy’s” death with every tiny detail embellished to the fullest just to keep the conversation vibrant with the drama of what was.

To this type of person, actually moving forward after their bereavement “oh no,” that pet guardian would need to have a life and do something other than talk about themselves and their loss.

This type of individual just moves from person to person, support group to support group until that cluster of listeners isn’t asking enough questions, or providing the “poor you, you have been through so much with the death of your pet” comments.

I know a woman who after years of pet loss bereavement counseling and therapy and ten years in every pet loss grief support group, animal bereavement condolence community and pet loss sympathy chat room she could find, started her own pet support group because no one wanted to hear her repetitive stories.

Do you have any of the tendencies mentioned above? Do you like the attention your sorrow facilitates? If so, then you need to determine “why” you require this form of negative attention. This inner void will erode your soul and eventually your health.

Do not use the fact that you lost your pet as an identification marker or to give your online life significance.

By creating your identity as the suffering victim of your pet’s death, YOU are the only one who will lose friends, and the respect and patience of those who encourage and support your healing.

Many animal support group members want attention. They use their pet’s absolute worst illness and death suffering occurrences as a banner to set them apart. It is imperative that these individuals muster the courage to break from their neediness of relying on their pet loss to give meaning to their life in “the” group. This is not productive. If a person keeps wallowing in this downtrodden existence, they can rest assured that less and less people and friends will ask “how you’re feeling?”

You CAN tell your pet loss story as a "learning opportunity" to help educate and heal others in your group, rather than as a commiseration Band-aid. If your group is not continually supporting your positive emotional, spiritual growth, leave.

A negative support group ultimately does more harm than good. Although grieving takes time, uplifting attitudes are essential. Living with your pet’s “death memory” can drain your energy day-to-day and breath-by-breath.

I understand since my fiancĂ© was killed in a sudden auto crash. I never had the chance to say anything or have a “heads-up.”

It's better to celebrate your fur baby’s life and remember all the good times. Then you keep pet’s positive contribution to your life alive.

By celebrating your pet’s life, you never have to bury their memories. You can take them out of your heart’s memory box at any time, like a special gift and savor all the wonderful thoughts and feelings.

So analyze your pet loss support group’s dynamics to determine if you are growing or JUST rehashing to the max, the pet loss that you already experienced.

Ask yourself:

1. Does your group embrace having an open mind and greater consciousness and awareness?

2. Are you taking knowledge gained from your group as a positive educational experience?

Unless you choose to grow forward, you will remain in the same condition that brought you into the group in
the first place.

3. Have you’ve stayed too long in the grief stage?

4. Do feel any better today than yesterday?

Last but not least!

Have you ever considered that your pet does NOT have to live forever as an Angel Animal, or resident of the Rainbows Bridge in animal spirit or afterlife?

Have you ever researched or considered Animal Reincarnation?

Brent Atwater
Pioneer and Founder
Global Pet Loss Bridge of Hope Initiative

Turning Heartbreak into Joy!

See Brent’s Latest books on Animal Reincarnation at


Join our Global Community and connect with Brent Atwater
on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, My Space

Visit Brent Atwater's Q & A video Series on YOUTube
Call in Live Q & A's on Pet Animal Reincarnation, Animal Medical Intuitive Diagnosis,
Medical Intuitive Diagnosis

Brent Atwater's weekly internet Radio show Or listen to our Archived Radio Shows

About Brent Atwater is a “Human MRI” and an internationally renowned medical intuitive, author, pet animal reincarnation authority, award winning artist, speaker and educator.

For 16 + years Brent Atwater has researched and gathered evidence of reincarnation in the animal kingdom. Her results are culminated in 4 books. 3 full color "I'm Home!" a Never Ending Love Story Books about Dogs, Cats & Horses reincarnation. Every question you ever wanted to know about pet animal Reincarnation is answered!

At age 5 Duke University’s Dr. J B Rhine, documented Brent’s intuition during his Initial study of ESP. After law school, Brent pioneered and founded MIDI the field of Medical Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™, the process of how to look inside a body to identify and diagnose diseases and health issues.

In 1987 Brent founded the Just Plain Love® Charitable Trust to benefit children’s and other worthwhile causes and later Just Plain Love® Books. As an author she’s released 10 books with more to follow.

Brent is a pioneer in healing art medicine in the USA. In 2004 she produced the first pilot study that scientifically documented the healing energy, diagnostic abilities and healing benefits of her art for healthcare, Paintings That Heal®.

For the past 25 years, Brent has positively transformed, expanded and uplifted the lives of countless individuals and their beloved animal companions.

Q & A Series of Videos on YOUTUBE
Please check out “Brent Atwater” to find out more., Stay tuned!

Monday, April 04, 2011

RE-life through Animal Reincarnation: Following Animal Energy after Pet Loss over the Rainbow Bridge- AMIDI animal readings provide Hope!

Following Animal Energy after Pet Loss over the Rainbow Bridge into RE-life through Animal Reincarnation - AMIDI animal readings inspire HOPE!

Pet loss does not have to be devastating and permanently agonizing. Pet animal reincarnation provides a new spiritual and factual perspective for pet loss grief support. As a new resource for pet loss grief support, animal reincarnation focuses on the prospect of RE-life that inspires hope!

Every living being has a specific vibrational frequency. Every organ in the body has an individual frequency. In a healthy condition the human body resonates between 68 to 72 MHz. Animal’s have a lower frequency range. Both types of beings can be “sensed” by an intuitive that has the ability and training to read multiple band width frequencies within physical bodies. Most intuitive practitioners specialize in humans or animals because of their familiarity with that specific species energy field.

Tracking, following or charting your animal’s energy field from his current physical state whether healthy or deceased is the process that allows a reader to determine if an animal’s energy blueprint can be found in the future. This is the determining factor in knowing if your pet will reincarnate.

First a practitioner must locate an animal’s current energy field, whether on earth or on the other side.

If the pet is alive and preparing for transition, tapping into their energy field is relatively easy. Always be sure to ask the pet’s soul for permission to access and read their energy field.

If the animal is deceased, it is still best to ask to interface with the living energy that is now without a physical form, in order to maintain the integrity of a clean assessment. Once the reader has obtained permission, they should proceed to following the animal’s energy track.

Many pet psychics and mediums rely on intuitive insight and the animal communication exchange rather than following an animal’s energy into the future. Other animal and interspecies communicators also rely on their sensory information to provide details of reincarnation.

The most reliable form of knowledge is provided by actually watching an animals’ life force energy field morph from their current physical form up to and through their physical body’s transition and into the future, a process used by all AMIDI professionals. If the animal’s energy tracks into a future physical form then reincarnation will occur within the timeframe viewed by the AMIDI practitioner. Even if a living soul enters their reincarnation through the actual birth process, the AMIDI animal reading can also identify and discern their energy field within its future Mother’s womb and follow that spirit into its earth form.

If future energy is not discernable within the timeline the reader is using, most likely that the animal is not going to reincarnate. Setting the timeline you want to examine is imperative to receive correct information. Once the new reincarnated body is identified, it is easy for the AMIDI pet reading to describe what that new physical being looks like and lots of the specific identifying characteristics of its new body.

The principle of animal reincarnation has been a belief system since ancient Egyptian, Hindu and Buddhist philosophies in 3000 BC. The “new” Pet Loss grief support perspective and the AMIDI animal readings that track and document pet reincarnation have come a long way.

Contact Information:
Brent Atwater,
Pioneer and Founder of AMIDI
Animal Intuitive Diagnosis

Friday, April 01, 2011

How to see INSIDE a Body--- BEYOND Medical Intuition!

How to see INSIDE a Body--- BEYOND Medical Intuition!
Meet Author & “MIDI” Founder, Brent Atwater, The HUMAN MRI! At 2011 INATS –W

April 30th, 2011 --Denver, CO – Author Brent Atwater will be signing her books at 2011 INATS-W.

Meet Ms Atwater and review Medical Intuition, Intuitive Diagnosis & MIDI-Medical Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™- How to See Inside a Body to Diagnose Current and Future Diseases (distributed by New Leaf) at the International New Age Trade Show – West (INATS West) on Sunday, June 26th, 2011, 2-3 pm in the Buyer’s Lounge.

Brent Atwater is a “Human MRI.” She is internationally sought after for her extraordinary ability to see inside a body & diagnose current and future health issues with amazing accuracy. Ms Atwater’s medical intuitive diagnosis is documented with respected and published case studies. Brent’s intuitive gifts were discovered when she was 5 by Duke University’s Dr. J.B. Rhine during his initial studies for ESP.

Her new release Medical Intuition, Intuitive Diagnosis & MIDI-Medical Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™- How to See Inside a Body to Diagnose Current and Future Diseases is part of Ms. Atwater’s leading edge work that establishes evidence based research that bridges traditional medicine and alternative therapies into holistic integrative energy medicine.

Brent diagnoses rare diseases and disorders, unsolved symptoms and resolves health issues, wrong diagnoses, and misdiagnosis. Her medical intuitive work facilitates healing for people all over the globe. She also teaches MIDI, the field of medical intuitive diagnostic imaging™ to educators, veterinarians, holistic integrative medicine practitioners, students and other healthcare professionals.

In 1987 Brent founded the Just Plain Love® Charitable Trust to benefit children’s and other worthwhile causes and later Just Plain Love® Books. As an author she has released 10 books with more to follow.

Visit us at 2011 INATS-W, we’ll look forward to “seeing you” there.

Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
Integrative Medical Specialist
MIDI Medical Intuitive Diagnosis

Friday, March 04, 2011

Animal Medical Intuitive Techniques for Animal Intuitive Diagnosis & Healing by Brent Atwater

Animal Medical Intuition for Pets: Animal Medical Intuitive Techniques for Animal Intuitive Diagnosis & Healing

If you’re an animal lover, in your mind, animals and pets are people too. Therefore, if an individual can go to Medical Intuitive, why wouldn’t there be an Animal Medical Intuitive?
The good news is, there is!

Animal medical intuitives use some of the same techniques that medical intuitives use with human clients.

An animal body scan is the generic name for a generalized energy scan of an animal’s body. Reiki, Healing Touch for Animals, Tellington TTouch and other energy medicine practitioners use their hands to determine if an animal has any energetic blockages or energetic imbalances.

Medical Intuitive Scanning for Animals is similar to the one used for humans. In addition to employing the energetic sensory input of their hands, the practitioner uses their intuition to supplement their knowledge about the animal’s health issues.

AMIDI, Animal Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™ is the animal body scanning process of looking inside an animal’s body to see and diagnose current disorders and future health issues. The practitioner uses a form of intuitive x-ray vision to see beneath an animal’s skin to determine the bioenergy patterns that create and cause the animal’s disorders.

Although each practitioner, in time may develop their own body scanning system, the colors of the disease patterns remains the same. Each color represents a scientifically documented vibrational frequency which was first discovered and used by Dr. Valerie Hunt and Roslyn Bruyere. In Barbara Brennan’s books, she discusses the significance of different colors used for healing and other color system appearing in the auric field.

For example, shades of blue represent a range of pain energy, while orange /yellow represents energy ranges within the immune system’s frequency.

Although animal intuitives may have various personal signals for reorganization, the documented human or animal vibrational frequency range of specific coloration never changes. The bioenergy pattern presentation can, at times be different in animals because they have a lower frequency range than humans.

It’s important to note that disease patterns also remain the same since animals (dogs, cats, horses) like humans have the same basic disorders, although specific to their anatomy system and organ system placement. Example: A hock or human knees are both joints. Colic, kidney failure, pancreatitis are all the same whether in a human or in an animal.

For decades pig heart valves have replaced human heart valves further indicating that we all are interconnected.

Domestic animals have a lower frequency range. Therefore the colors of their bioenergy disease pattern may present in a different order. The pattern’s bases starts at the lowest density frequency nearest the organ, tissue, cell or nerve and builds to the highest frequency as the top layer.

Intern practitioners may become frustrated with this confusing interpretation, and incorrectly perceive that this is a different energy pattern for a disease. Animal medical intuitive diagnostic veterans understand that it is just a different presentation in the bioenergy stacking pattern of that particular disease.

Due to the fact that AMIDI is a new field of Animal Medical Intuitive Diagnosis, it is best that future practitioners to work with as an intern under a certified practitioner. It is important to create a credibility base so an animal’s guardian will not be misinformed or frightened by an incorrect diagnosis that could wreak havoc in a client's life. Supervised practice and field experience will contribute to, document and create a quality substantiated knowledge base for a new AMIDI specialist.

From the generalized animal body scanning process to the extremely detailed and comprehensive A MIDI, all of the various animal medical intuitive assessment approaches contribute to and provide a greater awareness for the pet animal’s guardian in choosing the best treatments and procedures for their pet’s healing journey.

See Brent’s Latest book on AMIDI at

About Brent Atwater

s a “Human MRI” and an internationally renowned medical intuitive, author, pet animal reincarnation authority, award winning artist, speaker and educator.

At age 5 Duke University’s Dr. J B Rhine, documented Brent’s gift of intuition during his Initial study of ESP. After law school, Brent pioneered and founded MIDI the field of Medical Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™, the X-ray Vision body scan process of how to look inside a body to identify and diagnose diseases and health issues.

For 16 + years Brent Atwater has researched and gathered evidence of reincarnation in the animal kingdom. Her results are culminated in 4 books. 3 full color "I'm Home!" a Never Ending Love Story Books about Dogs, Cats & Horses reincarnation. Every question you ever wanted to know about pet animal Reincarnation is answered!

In 1987 Brent founded the Just Plain Love® Charitable Trust to benefit children’s and other worthwhile causes and later Just Plain Love® Books. As an author she’s released 10 books with more to follow.

Brent is a pioneer in healing art medicine in the USA. In 2004 she produced the first pilot study that scientifically documented the healing energy, diagnostic abilities and healing benefits of her art for healthcare, Paintings That Heal®.

For the past 25 years, Brent has positively transformed, expanded and uplifted the lives of countless individuals and their beloved animal companions.

Q & A Series of Videos on YOUTUBE

Please check out “Brent Atwater” to find out more., Stay tuned!

Connect with Brent Atwater and our Global Community on

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Accept, Trust & Live Your Spiritual Purpose by Brent Atwater

 How to Accept, Trust
Live Your Spiritual Purpose 

What do I do with my GIft?  
How do I Trust my Gift?

Do I quit my day job?

All of your questions are answered in this book.......

you'll come away feeling secure, powerful
and ready to go to work in 

FULL FAITH in yourself
and TRUST!

Brent Atwater
Author, MedIcal Intuitive

Friday, February 11, 2011

What is MIDI or X Ray Vision Body Scanning? by Brent Atwater

What is MIDI or X Ray Vision Body Scanning?

X ray Vision Body Scanning is the generic name for MIDI -Medical Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™ the term used in Integrative and Energy medicine. MIDI is a specialty field in the Science of Medical Intuition.

Many members of the medical community call this process an intuitive medical body scan, which places the emphasis on the intuitive approach rather than a trained medical approach.

Many medical intuitives are natural intuitives, ie they were born with the gift of intuition. Others are trained medical professionals that have intuitive capabilities.

The MIDI or X ray Vision Body Scanning is the process of a medical intuitive looking under the skin and into the body or bioenergy systems to determine health issues and disorders. The medical intuitive then identifies and interprets what created or is creating the physical disorder within their client.

MIDI or X ray vision body scanning accuracy is determined by the medical intuitive’s ability to read the location, size, and description of each issue, and to determine the medical urgency associated with each problem. Some medical intuitives have the ability to read the higher frequency ranges that provide a future prognosis.

Because an X ray vision body scan tunes into a person’s energy, there is no difference in results whether the MIDI is performed onsite or remotely.

Since the body has so many energy systems with different vibrational frequencies, like organs, bones, nerves, tissue and cells, a MIDI usually takes about 2 hours of evaluation for the average person.

X ray vision body scanning has merged with Integrative Energy Medicine to become MIDI -Medical Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™. Superman would be proud that he began a process that will help many individuals have better health evaluations and more accurate holistic readings to insure better health care.

See Brent’s Latest book on Medical Intuition at

Brent Atwater

Pioneer and Founder of MIDI
Medical Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™

Sunday, January 09, 2011



The field of Medical Intuition was founded by Caroline Myss and Norm Shealy, MD. Medical intuition is used for the intuitive diagnosis of the body’s energy field. It is also used to complement and expand upon the information provided by a medical professional.

An intuitive medical body scan is generally described as the intuitive assessment that gathers information about your physical and emotional energy systems.

There are several forms of medical intuitive scans. A medical intuitive scan can present a single energy perspective such as your emotional issues, or a multi level evaluation of all your systems.

A medical intuitive health assessment or reading occurs when the practitioner tunes into the client’s energy field. He answers questions and gives opinions from the intuitive information he “receives,” without actually looking at or into the cells of an organ et al. The practitioner also offers intuitive suggestions for your health issues. As an example, Louise Hayes of Hay House has two medical intuitives, Dr. Mona Lisa Shultz and Caroline Sutherland who provide intuitive readings.

An intuitive Body Scan reviews the client’s energy field and physical systems by intuitively evaluating the generalized overall energy patterns and the “feel” of those energy patterns. The practitioner reports their intuitive overview, evaluates the client’s condition and addresses health issue questions without going into minute detail by actually seeing the tissue, bones, nerves, et al.
          They perceive the overall bioenergy field and note imbalances within that field. This is a great method for a yearly check up because it can compare last year’s impressions with the current ones. This is similar to a doctor taking general blood work, having annual tests and x-rays. Many Reiki and other energy medicine practitioners use this method.

MIDI - Medical Intuitive Diagnostic Imaging™ is a new medical intuitive diagnostic field pioneered and founded by Brent Atwater. It’s the process of how to actually look and see inside a body to interpret the bioenergy patterns that identify and diagnose the physical energy codes of past, current and future diseases and health issues. It takes “inner vision,” the term coined by Barbara Brennan, to an advanced level of detailed images.

A MIDI begins with a general Body Scan that is used as a baseline to tune into the client’s energy field. Then like a MRI, the intuitive examines each energy layer in a specific area slice by slice to identify and interpret what created or is creating the cumulative effect that becomes the physical disorder.

The MIDI process is a very precise head to toe, front to back, over and under, 360 degree look inside the body. By examining each energy layer in a specific area slice by slice, the practitioner can learn to identify and interpret what created or is creating the cumulative effect that becomes the physical disorder. A MIDI reading generates an incredibly detailed and accurate location, size, description and determines the medical urgency associated with each illuminated health issue, in addition to providing a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation along with a future prognosis. A MIDI consultation can also supply suggestions for ongoing health management, medications, treatments and procedures from its database.

There is no difference in results whether the MIDI is performed onsite or remotely for a client who is in a different location. How long does a MIDI take?  A full MIDI on a healthy person or a mini MIDI usually takes about 2 hours of evaluation. An average client with health issues and disorders usually takes 4 to 6 hours. A typical MIDI takes 3 sessions, each about 2 hours long.

What’s the value of of Medical Intuition? Medical intuition allows your body to provide invaluable information about what is going on. Medical intuition can provide information about treatment, procedures, and appropriate medication dosages for patient physical conditions, age levels and current body weight (especially prevalent in geriatric medicine and some extensive Cancer or other chronic or degenerative diseases and disorders regimes).

Medical intuition supports patient advocacy, second opinions and expands the patient’s holistic evaluation. Other values:

• It SAVES TIME! in catastrophic or trauma injury, critical or intensive care or emergency medicine situations.

• It can be performed from a distant location.

• Clarifies physical health and emotional issues and identifies critical disease areas or other energy imbalances.

• Identifies disease locations, determines the extent and severity of your body’s disorder from a 360 degree energy view.

• Determines the "urgency" of your physical situation.

• Can continuously monitor the client’s condition on site or at a distance.

• Has no side effects and is non invasive.

• Can confirm medical test results.

• Can be used in conjunction or in comparison with your current MRIs, PETs, MUGAs, CT Scans and X rays, et al.

• Can identify areas that have not yet become detectable by traditional medical examinations or testing. This information can assist you in making decisions about your medical treatment, and health care.

• Can provide information about future health issues.

All medical intuitive assessments are an invaluable tool. By identifying the causes of your current symptoms, a person can possibly prevent future health events or keep health issues, disorders or conditions from manifesting into physical dis-ease.

See Brent’s Latest book on Medical Intuition at

Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor nor associated with any branch of allopathic or veterinary medicine. Brent is an Integrative Energy Medicine Specialist in Intuition, Medical Intuition and Intuitive Healing.
Brent's intuitive medical diagnostic opinions are based on her intuition and should not be a substitute for a medical examination, advice, diagnosis or treatment. Her energy healing work is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments.
ALWAYS consult a physician, trained health care professional or veterinarian concerning advice diagnosis or treatment for any medical problem or condition and before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs for you or your pet.
As in traditional medicine, there are no guarantees with the science of intuitive medical diagnosis, medical intuitive suggestions or intuitive energy healing work.

Contact: Brent Atwater