Create Healthy Living & A Healthy Lifestyle: YOUR Mind Over YOUR Matter. Talk to Your Cells- A Form of Biofeedback
Dr Masaru Emoto or discovered that talking to water, definitely affects their molecular structure. Your body is approximately 60% (of the total weight) water. The actual percentage varies between 50% and 70% within each individual. The exact amount is determined by a person's fat content. Heavy folks have a lower percentage of body weight as water because fat holds less water.
Think about it, if over half of your body is water, and talking to water can change it's molecular structure, theoretically you can talk yourself to health. That is one of the principles of positive attitudes, positive affirmations, health mantras and in biofeedback. Your verbiage and thoughts have the power to create your health as exemplified in the movie "What the Bleep?*%#@?!"
By talking to or commanding your cells, you can help assist your symptomsdisappear. Traditional biofeedback is one of the mind-body therapies for health care management and quality of life well being. It falls into all of the acceptable
allopathic medical categories. Alternative medicine accepts the results of biofeedback treatment as does complementary and integrative medicine.
Historically, biofeedback has taught individuals to control their body's responses such as heart rate, blood pressure, other bodily functions and even anxiety attacks. In fact on various biofeedback sites there are over 160+ medical conditions, diseases and disorders that have responded to "talking to your cells". Commanding your cells and creating their cellular or your body's systemic response gives a person a sense of control over their health issue, rather than being a victim of it. This control adds to the quality of your life and creates a greater sense of well-being.Biofeedback practitioners use various technologies to confirm that your words and thought intent are producing your desired results. It normally takes about 20 minutes for your body to respond to your commands. As you learn to be more proficient in being the captain of your ship, the time to create your body's positive
response becomes less and less. Practice means quick progress in those changes!
As a medical intuitive and distant energy healer, I deal with alternative emergency medicine cases, sports medicine injuries and lots of disorders and disease in day-to-day life. Each presents is own health circumstances to overcome. Many clients have never considered talking to their cells. When I suggest commanding their cells to health they can't fathom the concept. When I mention traditional biofeedback, they say, "Oh, that's OK". In holistic health care and alternative medicine, one of the prime objectives is to give the individual dominion over their body as much as possible. The idea of commanding your own body is an appealing concept for several reasons.
First, you can talk to and command your cells anytime, anywhere you want. There are no pill cases, shots, procedures, treatments or long term programs.
You choose where, why, and when you command your body to respond to you.
Secondly, it's free, saving expensive medical costs, and possibly reducing or eliminating the costs that you are presently incurring. Thirdly, it may be an alternative consideration and healing modality for conditions that previously have not responded to other medications, procedures and treatments. And most important of all, it puts you in the drivers seat to facilitate your own healing, allowing you to learn at you own speed, and to monitor your healing journey.The next concept that we address is the fact that you CAN command your cells. Your Spirit or your Soul is the life force energy that creates who you are and lives forever.
Your body is just the physical housing that your Soul resides in. For those that believe in reincarnation, your Soul lives in many "buildings" throughout your evolution. Therefore, your Soul is the superintendent of your body's "building".
It's your choice on how to handle the maintenance and repair of your "building".
If you have chosen traditional medicine to combat your health conditions and you are interested in taking greater charge of your body, biofeedback will expand your healing opportunities. Talking to and commanding your cells is an easy process to learn. You can hire a biofeedback practitioner or various "talk to your cells" techniques can be found in self-help and healing books. This category of books is alternative medicine for your mind that facilitates healing in your medical conditions and creates greater control over your life and well-being.
Some of my favorites are "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations and Actions for Overcoming YOUR Health Challenges" and "Positive Attitudes to Help Survive YOUR Cancer."
You've got a built in healing mechanism in your mind and your verbal intent. It's
free, has no harmful side effects, and is readily available. Try it! Talk to you cells.
It will change you life!
Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety.
Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
Health Coach
Medical Intuitive, Distant Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA
Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs. There are no guarantees with the Energy work.
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