Create Healthy Living & A Healthy Lifestyle: YOUR Mind Over YOUR Matter. Talk to Your Cells- A Form of Biofeedback
Dr Masaru Emoto or discovered that talking to water, definitely affects their molecular structure. Your body is approximately 60% (of the total weight) water. The actual percentage varies between 50% and 70% within each individual. The exact amount is determined by a person's fat content. Heavy folks have a lower percentage of body weight as water because fat holds less water.
Think about it, if over half of your body is water, and talking to water can change it's molecular structure, theoretically you can talk yourself to health. That is one of the principles of positive attitudes, positive affirmations, health mantras and in biofeedback. Your verbiage and thoughts have the power to create your health as exemplified in the movie "What the Bleep?*%#@?!"
By talking to or commanding your cells, you can help assist your symptomsdisappear. Traditional biofeedback is one of the mind-body therapies for health care management and quality of life well being. It falls into all of the acceptable
allopathic medical categories. Alternative medicine accepts the results of biofeedback treatment as does complementary and integrative medicine.
Historically, biofeedback has taught individuals to control their body's responses such as heart rate, blood pressure, other bodily functions and even anxiety attacks. In fact on various biofeedback sites there are over 160+ medical conditions, diseases and disorders that have responded to "talking to your cells". Commanding your cells and creating their cellular or your body's systemic response gives a person a sense of control over their health issue, rather than being a victim of it. This control adds to the quality of your life and creates a greater sense of well-being.Biofeedback practitioners use various technologies to confirm that your words and thought intent are producing your desired results. It normally takes about 20 minutes for your body to respond to your commands. As you learn to be more proficient in being the captain of your ship, the time to create your body's positive
response becomes less and less. Practice means quick progress in those changes!
As a medical intuitive and distant energy healer, I deal with alternative emergency medicine cases, sports medicine injuries and lots of disorders and disease in day-to-day life. Each presents is own health circumstances to overcome. Many clients have never considered talking to their cells. When I suggest commanding their cells to health they can't fathom the concept. When I mention traditional biofeedback, they say, "Oh, that's OK". In holistic health care and alternative medicine, one of the prime objectives is to give the individual dominion over their body as much as possible. The idea of commanding your own body is an appealing concept for several reasons.
First, you can talk to and command your cells anytime, anywhere you want. There are no pill cases, shots, procedures, treatments or long term programs.
You choose where, why, and when you command your body to respond to you.
Secondly, it's free, saving expensive medical costs, and possibly reducing or eliminating the costs that you are presently incurring. Thirdly, it may be an alternative consideration and healing modality for conditions that previously have not responded to other medications, procedures and treatments. And most important of all, it puts you in the drivers seat to facilitate your own healing, allowing you to learn at you own speed, and to monitor your healing journey.The next concept that we address is the fact that you CAN command your cells. Your Spirit or your Soul is the life force energy that creates who you are and lives forever.
Your body is just the physical housing that your Soul resides in. For those that believe in reincarnation, your Soul lives in many "buildings" throughout your evolution. Therefore, your Soul is the superintendent of your body's "building".
It's your choice on how to handle the maintenance and repair of your "building".
If you have chosen traditional medicine to combat your health conditions and you are interested in taking greater charge of your body, biofeedback will expand your healing opportunities. Talking to and commanding your cells is an easy process to learn. You can hire a biofeedback practitioner or various "talk to your cells" techniques can be found in self-help and healing books. This category of books is alternative medicine for your mind that facilitates healing in your medical conditions and creates greater control over your life and well-being.
Some of my favorites are "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations and Actions for Overcoming YOUR Health Challenges" and "Positive Attitudes to Help Survive YOUR Cancer."
You've got a built in healing mechanism in your mind and your verbal intent. It's
free, has no harmful side effects, and is readily available. Try it! Talk to you cells.
It will change you life!
Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety.
Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
Health Coach
Medical Intuitive, Distant Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA
Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs. There are no guarantees with the Energy work.
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Friday, December 23, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Healthy Living & Lifestyle: Health Coaching: Invest in Your Future- Stop Sabotaging Your Life
"I ought to, I should do, I don't know how to. If only there were more time- less pressure, less stress, I'm too tired to try, I just can't do this anymore, why is this necessary?"
These are explanations, justifications and comments that indicate you are still in the "victim" mode of your circumstances rather than taking charge of them. Now is the time to choose to become more disciplined and to move through your comments to better health or disease management. Healthy living for a healthy future is an investment you can't afford not to make.
It's time to use YOUR mind over YOUR matter!!! Let your Soul's energy direct your Spirit's housing! It's your future!! This is not just about your weight loss, or a diet, or a diet plan, it's about a commitment to healthy living and creating a healthy lifestyle.
As a medical intuitive and distant energy healer, I deal with alternative emergency medicine cases, sports medicine injuries and lots of disorders and disease in day-to-day life. Each presents is own health circumstances to overcome. Addressing physical problems and determining the underlying emotional and mental contributions that direct the body to manifest the disease or life issues is one set of problems, having acquired health conditions is another. Sometimes a client's current "mind set", lack of knowledge, or lack of "get up and go", sabotages their personal welfare and puts their life and health at risk, or on hold.
Years ago you went to the gym an instructor guided you. Then came personal trainers, and now it's a health coach, life coach or life purpose coach. All of these health care professionals are trained to help individuals take charge of their health. Today it's a holistic (mind, body, and spirit) approach to wellness ie improving existing health conditions, life issues and your personal routine. This broader approach to coaching creates and promotes a healthier life and lifestyle and hopefully prevents and keeps future health and life issues at bay.
Before a personal trainer was a luxury, today health care management is a great investment in your future. A well-planned healthy life management program is complementary to and integrative with your physician's treatment and regime. Major corporations are encouraging and educating employees to have a better way of life, which is a win-win situation for both. It saves employee 'sick days", and the employer's large insurance costs.
Good intentions and intermittent actions don't always culminate in change. Even when you are educated and given the tools to change your life, a health coach works with you over a period of time to see that you don't slip into the past "automatic pilot" life patterns and mindsets that manifested your original issues or undermines your current progression. By choosing and living positive attitudes and health behaviors, you maximize the health benefits of your goals, and you create lifestyle patterns that support and encourage well-being.
It boils down to the basic fact that you learn to use YOUR mind over YOUR matter and to use your Soul's energy to discipline and maintain your Spirit's housing The combination of your steadfast commitment and a health coach who is there to give you nudgies, encouragement and guidance when needed, can make the difference between a wanna-be-well victim of your health issues, and an individual who does the best with what they are given, and lives their life to the Max!
Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
Health Coach
Medical Intuitive,
Distant Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA
These are explanations, justifications and comments that indicate you are still in the "victim" mode of your circumstances rather than taking charge of them. Now is the time to choose to become more disciplined and to move through your comments to better health or disease management. Healthy living for a healthy future is an investment you can't afford not to make.
It's time to use YOUR mind over YOUR matter!!! Let your Soul's energy direct your Spirit's housing! It's your future!! This is not just about your weight loss, or a diet, or a diet plan, it's about a commitment to healthy living and creating a healthy lifestyle.
As a medical intuitive and distant energy healer, I deal with alternative emergency medicine cases, sports medicine injuries and lots of disorders and disease in day-to-day life. Each presents is own health circumstances to overcome. Addressing physical problems and determining the underlying emotional and mental contributions that direct the body to manifest the disease or life issues is one set of problems, having acquired health conditions is another. Sometimes a client's current "mind set", lack of knowledge, or lack of "get up and go", sabotages their personal welfare and puts their life and health at risk, or on hold.
Years ago you went to the gym an instructor guided you. Then came personal trainers, and now it's a health coach, life coach or life purpose coach. All of these health care professionals are trained to help individuals take charge of their health. Today it's a holistic (mind, body, and spirit) approach to wellness ie improving existing health conditions, life issues and your personal routine. This broader approach to coaching creates and promotes a healthier life and lifestyle and hopefully prevents and keeps future health and life issues at bay.
Before a personal trainer was a luxury, today health care management is a great investment in your future. A well-planned healthy life management program is complementary to and integrative with your physician's treatment and regime. Major corporations are encouraging and educating employees to have a better way of life, which is a win-win situation for both. It saves employee 'sick days", and the employer's large insurance costs.
Good intentions and intermittent actions don't always culminate in change. Even when you are educated and given the tools to change your life, a health coach works with you over a period of time to see that you don't slip into the past "automatic pilot" life patterns and mindsets that manifested your original issues or undermines your current progression. By choosing and living positive attitudes and health behaviors, you maximize the health benefits of your goals, and you create lifestyle patterns that support and encourage well-being.
It boils down to the basic fact that you learn to use YOUR mind over YOUR matter and to use your Soul's energy to discipline and maintain your Spirit's housing The combination of your steadfast commitment and a health coach who is there to give you nudgies, encouragement and guidance when needed, can make the difference between a wanna-be-well victim of your health issues, and an individual who does the best with what they are given, and lives their life to the Max!
Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
Health Coach
Medical Intuitive,
Distant Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Treatment Using Medical Intuition & Energy Healing
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Treatment Using Medical Intuition & Energy Healing
Montel Williams called it an insidious disease. Richard Pryor passed away with it's complications, and Michael Wellford, when diagnosed, just said "I'm NOT having it!"
Multiple Sclerosis or MS is a slow progressing disorder and then disease that drains it's owners of energy and then life functioning abilities. Multiple Sclerosis symptoms, like a shadow, are always there, even in remission, and ever present in it's ultimate progression.
When you receive notification that you need to be tested for multiple sclerosis symptoms, your mind definitely has something to deal with. There are so many "what ifs" to consider, and an entire new future to contemplate that is mind-boggling. Even the strongest individuals succumb to moments of random horror, selective thought patterns, and
then a bone chilling resolve of sorts as to how to handle their diagnosis. When that blood test and MRI scan come back negative for those that are lucky, you are ever grateful for being spared the "positive" test result.
As a medical intuitive and intuitive distant energy healer I work with Multiple Sclerosis treatment for clients. Although addressing physical problems is a major concern, first one must address the underlying emotional and mental contributions that direct the body to manifest the disease. If the disorder is not a Karmic journey that the soul has chosen to experience, then I begin with positive mind over matter actions, attitudes and affirmations. In deciding right now, this very minute, to address and make positive free will choices to change your mind's attitude about your multiple sclerosis symptoms immediately starts a healing process.
I have found that in early stage MS mental positive attitude creates a greater immune system response that in turn helps diminish symptoms. It's the old adage of YOUR mind over YOUR matter. Your cells are here to house your life force energy called your Soul. You are the commander of your cells, ie your body, and YOU are the superintendent of your building ie your body, so how you handle your maintenance is all part of the healing journey. Having a "can do" attitude directs your cellular structure to do just that, assist in healing itself.
My personal multiple sclerosis research has shown that the fatigue suffered by most MS clients can be greatly diminished by mental resolve to get up and get going and to command your cells to do so. Further investigations have illustrated that prayers, affirmations, and talking to and commanding your cells have great beneficial results. Once we have established a solid mental directive to be as physically healed as possible, we now address physical concerns and complications with energy healing.
Energy healing and multiple sclerosis shows great promise. By using directed electromagnetic bio molecular energy healing, we can reframe bio structures to their initial blueprint of health. Neural pathways can be restructured so that those with paralysis can move their legs or arms. Numb extremities can be revived and regenerated to sensation. In several clients' with these complications, after the cellular and neural connections were restored and regenerated, physical therapy was used to restore their muscles that had atrophied due to lack of use over months or years. Other sensations such as tingling could be reversed by regenerating the nerve's mylen sheath, and personal energy levels can be restored. To date, various multiple sclerosis complications can be reversed, and or put into remission or lessened with energy healing.
In the future, energy healing and using mind over your matter biofeedback with your cells, will be another form of multiple sclerosis treatment that will facilitate and create healthy bodies for those experiencing MS.
Feel free to reprint this article in it's entirety.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
Montel Williams called it an insidious disease. Richard Pryor passed away with it's complications, and Michael Wellford, when diagnosed, just said "I'm NOT having it!"
Multiple Sclerosis or MS is a slow progressing disorder and then disease that drains it's owners of energy and then life functioning abilities. Multiple Sclerosis symptoms, like a shadow, are always there, even in remission, and ever present in it's ultimate progression.
When you receive notification that you need to be tested for multiple sclerosis symptoms, your mind definitely has something to deal with. There are so many "what ifs" to consider, and an entire new future to contemplate that is mind-boggling. Even the strongest individuals succumb to moments of random horror, selective thought patterns, and
then a bone chilling resolve of sorts as to how to handle their diagnosis. When that blood test and MRI scan come back negative for those that are lucky, you are ever grateful for being spared the "positive" test result.
As a medical intuitive and intuitive distant energy healer I work with Multiple Sclerosis treatment for clients. Although addressing physical problems is a major concern, first one must address the underlying emotional and mental contributions that direct the body to manifest the disease. If the disorder is not a Karmic journey that the soul has chosen to experience, then I begin with positive mind over matter actions, attitudes and affirmations. In deciding right now, this very minute, to address and make positive free will choices to change your mind's attitude about your multiple sclerosis symptoms immediately starts a healing process.
I have found that in early stage MS mental positive attitude creates a greater immune system response that in turn helps diminish symptoms. It's the old adage of YOUR mind over YOUR matter. Your cells are here to house your life force energy called your Soul. You are the commander of your cells, ie your body, and YOU are the superintendent of your building ie your body, so how you handle your maintenance is all part of the healing journey. Having a "can do" attitude directs your cellular structure to do just that, assist in healing itself.
My personal multiple sclerosis research has shown that the fatigue suffered by most MS clients can be greatly diminished by mental resolve to get up and get going and to command your cells to do so. Further investigations have illustrated that prayers, affirmations, and talking to and commanding your cells have great beneficial results. Once we have established a solid mental directive to be as physically healed as possible, we now address physical concerns and complications with energy healing.
Energy healing and multiple sclerosis shows great promise. By using directed electromagnetic bio molecular energy healing, we can reframe bio structures to their initial blueprint of health. Neural pathways can be restructured so that those with paralysis can move their legs or arms. Numb extremities can be revived and regenerated to sensation. In several clients' with these complications, after the cellular and neural connections were restored and regenerated, physical therapy was used to restore their muscles that had atrophied due to lack of use over months or years. Other sensations such as tingling could be reversed by regenerating the nerve's mylen sheath, and personal energy levels can be restored. To date, various multiple sclerosis complications can be reversed, and or put into remission or lessened with energy healing.
In the future, energy healing and using mind over your matter biofeedback with your cells, will be another form of multiple sclerosis treatment that will facilitate and create healthy bodies for those experiencing MS.
Feel free to reprint this article in it's entirety.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
Tips for Helping Remove Anxiety, Depression and Stress Over Lost Loved Ones During The Holidays
Tips for Helping Remove Anxiety, Depression and Stress Over Lost Loved Ones During The Holidays
During the Holidays, when family and closeness is a premium on everyone's mind, there are those of us who do not have loved ones in our lives, as they have departed. In my years as a Medical Intuitive and Intuitive Energy Healer, the holidays bring an increased amount of physical and emotional malaise to people due to the fact that depression sets into our psyche if our world is less than we want, and that imbalanced energy, in turn, triggers the body to respond and manifest physical "illness".
Below is a compilation of situations that help you alleviate your "lost love" scars, and offers ideas on how to turn your anxiety, depression, stress and pain into positive attitudes and actions by being another person's joy.
Let's address your environment. You might have the biggest space in your office, the fanciest house on your street, but your world is still empty. For every room that is empty in your house, take presents to a home that only has one room. For office space that leaves you asking "is this all there is?", go meet the employees who work pay check to paycheck and take them out to lunch, or take the time to get to know that person that you pass everyday and don't even know their name. It may not seem important to you, but you will have enriched the life of another individual by listening to what they have to say, by validating their existence, or by showing that you care about what is going on in their life, environment and home. You can dispel your emptiness by filling up their life with your care.
How about family "problems" that starts with your husband or wife. Perhaps during this tense social season, y'all fight over whose family to visit or which party to attend. Orphans have no family choices, so give to those where you have pain.............. BE a family for an orphan, so that you add a family life where life was taken from others. Then your family will be a healing unit, and will hopefully give you a new perspective. Take the widow or widower to lunch or invite them to your celebrations, help create happiness and inspire giggles where there is isolation and depression.
And don't forget those who had hopes of a "family" that never came to pass, as their loved one was lost to an auto accident, a war, or through disease. Their hearts are dying a thousand times in memory of what "could have been" during this holiday season. Not only did they loose a loved one, they also lost the hope they had, and the opportunity to experience their dream before it became a reality. Try to include these folks in your holiday plans, even though they protest....... it will help them re enter social functions, and remind their soul that there is life, and hope and dreams after death.
Then there are the children who lost parents. The following is taken from the book the "Heavenly Express for MY Daddy". It's a child's conversation with her Mother after the loss of her Father.
"Can we hear him when he talks to us?" "Sit very still, be very quiet, and listen with your heart. You can always hear Daddy in your heart. You will hear his laughter, and how much he misses you....""How will we ever hug each other again?"
"That's easy, put both of your hands on your heart, and close your eyes, and you can feel Daddy's hug. It feels like pouring a warm shower of love all over your body." "How can I talk to him or get his advice?"
"You can talk out loud to him, or thru your heart. Just because you can't see his Soul, doesn't mean he's not there. Daddy is like the sun. When you can't see it, you always know it's still there! Daddy will ALWAYS be there to listen to whatever you have to say and to give you advice, no matter what! Your Daddy's special answers are just for you, and are delivered directly thru YOUR heart"
Suggest to those that lost parents to ask their deceased parents about those holidays quandaries through their heart and suggest that they share holiday comments too!!! Being on the other side of the veils will not hamper that parental advice at all!
When a person is missing the special warm hugs and love that only a grandmother or grandfather can give, suggest that they Dress up as Mrs. Claus, and go hug every child that is an orphan, and not only has no grandmother, but has no mother................ Suggest they go to an oncology ward, or nursing home and just hug people who others have not hugged. I visited my 101-year-old grandmother, and met her 96-year-old friend Rose. After I hugged Rose, she said that was the first hug she had received in the 10 years after her husband died. The last hug she received was from her her husband's funeral............
SO go hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MANY need just a hug to turn their day or life around.
And don't forget the deceased pets, which are part of the extended family. Take the presents that you were going to give Muffy, Fluffy or Horace and give it to the Humane Society, animal rescue or the local pet shelter. Although you may still be grieving, your gift will create joy for a living pet or animal, and add to their life. Pets grieve too. Perhaps your contribution will even help a pet keep on keeping on, until they are chosen to be part of a family.
When you take your pain, and turn it into doing something nice for someone else, your attention shifts away from you, and the heartfelt gratitude you receive from others, if only for a split second, takes away your pain, personal anxiety, stress and depression. So, make your heart scars less heavy, and your love stars a little brighter for the lives of someone less fortunate than you.
Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
During the Holidays, when family and closeness is a premium on everyone's mind, there are those of us who do not have loved ones in our lives, as they have departed. In my years as a Medical Intuitive and Intuitive Energy Healer, the holidays bring an increased amount of physical and emotional malaise to people due to the fact that depression sets into our psyche if our world is less than we want, and that imbalanced energy, in turn, triggers the body to respond and manifest physical "illness".
Below is a compilation of situations that help you alleviate your "lost love" scars, and offers ideas on how to turn your anxiety, depression, stress and pain into positive attitudes and actions by being another person's joy.
Let's address your environment. You might have the biggest space in your office, the fanciest house on your street, but your world is still empty. For every room that is empty in your house, take presents to a home that only has one room. For office space that leaves you asking "is this all there is?", go meet the employees who work pay check to paycheck and take them out to lunch, or take the time to get to know that person that you pass everyday and don't even know their name. It may not seem important to you, but you will have enriched the life of another individual by listening to what they have to say, by validating their existence, or by showing that you care about what is going on in their life, environment and home. You can dispel your emptiness by filling up their life with your care.
How about family "problems" that starts with your husband or wife. Perhaps during this tense social season, y'all fight over whose family to visit or which party to attend. Orphans have no family choices, so give to those where you have pain.............. BE a family for an orphan, so that you add a family life where life was taken from others. Then your family will be a healing unit, and will hopefully give you a new perspective. Take the widow or widower to lunch or invite them to your celebrations, help create happiness and inspire giggles where there is isolation and depression.
And don't forget those who had hopes of a "family" that never came to pass, as their loved one was lost to an auto accident, a war, or through disease. Their hearts are dying a thousand times in memory of what "could have been" during this holiday season. Not only did they loose a loved one, they also lost the hope they had, and the opportunity to experience their dream before it became a reality. Try to include these folks in your holiday plans, even though they protest....... it will help them re enter social functions, and remind their soul that there is life, and hope and dreams after death.
Then there are the children who lost parents. The following is taken from the book the "Heavenly Express for MY Daddy". It's a child's conversation with her Mother after the loss of her Father.
"Can we hear him when he talks to us?" "Sit very still, be very quiet, and listen with your heart. You can always hear Daddy in your heart. You will hear his laughter, and how much he misses you....""How will we ever hug each other again?"
"That's easy, put both of your hands on your heart, and close your eyes, and you can feel Daddy's hug. It feels like pouring a warm shower of love all over your body." "How can I talk to him or get his advice?"
"You can talk out loud to him, or thru your heart. Just because you can't see his Soul, doesn't mean he's not there. Daddy is like the sun. When you can't see it, you always know it's still there! Daddy will ALWAYS be there to listen to whatever you have to say and to give you advice, no matter what! Your Daddy's special answers are just for you, and are delivered directly thru YOUR heart"
Suggest to those that lost parents to ask their deceased parents about those holidays quandaries through their heart and suggest that they share holiday comments too!!! Being on the other side of the veils will not hamper that parental advice at all!
When a person is missing the special warm hugs and love that only a grandmother or grandfather can give, suggest that they Dress up as Mrs. Claus, and go hug every child that is an orphan, and not only has no grandmother, but has no mother................ Suggest they go to an oncology ward, or nursing home and just hug people who others have not hugged. I visited my 101-year-old grandmother, and met her 96-year-old friend Rose. After I hugged Rose, she said that was the first hug she had received in the 10 years after her husband died. The last hug she received was from her her husband's funeral............
SO go hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MANY need just a hug to turn their day or life around.
And don't forget the deceased pets, which are part of the extended family. Take the presents that you were going to give Muffy, Fluffy or Horace and give it to the Humane Society, animal rescue or the local pet shelter. Although you may still be grieving, your gift will create joy for a living pet or animal, and add to their life. Pets grieve too. Perhaps your contribution will even help a pet keep on keeping on, until they are chosen to be part of a family.
When you take your pain, and turn it into doing something nice for someone else, your attention shifts away from you, and the heartfelt gratitude you receive from others, if only for a split second, takes away your pain, personal anxiety, stress and depression. So, make your heart scars less heavy, and your love stars a little brighter for the lives of someone less fortunate than you.
Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Spinal Cord Injury: Diagnosis with Medical Intuition and Treatment with Complementary & Integrative Energy Healing
Spinal Cord Injury: Diagnosis with Medical Intuition and Treatment with Complementary & Integrative Energy Healing
Spinal cord injury (herniated discs, pinched nerves, collapsed vertebrae) is one of the most devastating catastrophic injuries that one can endure. The spinal cord is the gateway for all nerve paths. The location of the injury and the severity of the damage determine the complications involved and the dysfunction. Science is discovering that the sooner the spinal cord injury is addressed and treatment begins, there is a direct correlation to recovery of the affected areas.
As a medical intuitive and "human MRI", when assessing a spinal cord injury, I look at the 360 degree view of the traumatized area. Failing to "see" the entire injured area can produce further injury, and create neglect in areas that need to be immediately addressed. It is best to look at each segment of the spine ( discs and vertebrae) and spinal cord nerves in 4 equal quadrants. When helping to diagnose and evaluate the damaged area, reevaluating every 3 hours for the first 24 hours until the client is stabilized produces more accurate readings and beneficial results, as inflammation, further compression and damage can progress after the initial injury has occurred.
Although the initial site of the catastrophic injury is your primary source of dehabilitation, the damaged neural pathways can extend beyond that original area and days later create problems of their own. To counter this problem, "tracking" the energy of the affected neural pathways will give you further information of possible deterioration and additional side effects. If you do not have extending neural circumstances, containing the affected areas in a bubble of Healing energy will usually suspend further exacerbation of future problems.
While the allopathic physicians are providing their treatments, you can effectively use energy healing to complement and integrate with their procedures.
Removing pain is usually the first consideration, unless the client is rendered "numb" by his experience. Secondly, work on inflammation to help minimize current damage and to alleviate possible secondary symptoms.
In my experience in healing the spinal cord nerves, vertebrae and herniated discs of a paralyzed dog in 90 days, it is best to work on each issue separately so as not to overload the client's health response system during a time of great stress. Use energy healing to build a solid foundation step by step to rebuild the molecular structure of the cells and in turn the bodily systems. It is also best to work in increments and intermittently, so the molecular structures can recalibrate, and regenerate without stressing the physical structures.
First, regenerate the vertebrae's cellular structure in order to provide a foundation that is capable of holding the disc. Secondly, reestablish the health of each disc, leaving the neural pathways as your last concern. Once the spine is stabilized, then revitalize the neural pathways. If you reactivate the nerves before you have a solid base in the spinal column, you might create more inflammation and pain than necessary. Rebuilding a system, inch by inch produces a stronger foundation that will allow the client to rebuild his muscular system with physical therapy without causing extra pain.
Although stem cell research is providing a gateway of hope for Spinal cord injuries,electromagnetic bio molecular energy healing can and will be a beneficial healing modality.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs. There are no guarantees with the Energy work.
Spinal cord injury (herniated discs, pinched nerves, collapsed vertebrae) is one of the most devastating catastrophic injuries that one can endure. The spinal cord is the gateway for all nerve paths. The location of the injury and the severity of the damage determine the complications involved and the dysfunction. Science is discovering that the sooner the spinal cord injury is addressed and treatment begins, there is a direct correlation to recovery of the affected areas.
As a medical intuitive and "human MRI", when assessing a spinal cord injury, I look at the 360 degree view of the traumatized area. Failing to "see" the entire injured area can produce further injury, and create neglect in areas that need to be immediately addressed. It is best to look at each segment of the spine ( discs and vertebrae) and spinal cord nerves in 4 equal quadrants. When helping to diagnose and evaluate the damaged area, reevaluating every 3 hours for the first 24 hours until the client is stabilized produces more accurate readings and beneficial results, as inflammation, further compression and damage can progress after the initial injury has occurred.
Although the initial site of the catastrophic injury is your primary source of dehabilitation, the damaged neural pathways can extend beyond that original area and days later create problems of their own. To counter this problem, "tracking" the energy of the affected neural pathways will give you further information of possible deterioration and additional side effects. If you do not have extending neural circumstances, containing the affected areas in a bubble of Healing energy will usually suspend further exacerbation of future problems.
While the allopathic physicians are providing their treatments, you can effectively use energy healing to complement and integrate with their procedures.
Removing pain is usually the first consideration, unless the client is rendered "numb" by his experience. Secondly, work on inflammation to help minimize current damage and to alleviate possible secondary symptoms.
In my experience in healing the spinal cord nerves, vertebrae and herniated discs of a paralyzed dog in 90 days, it is best to work on each issue separately so as not to overload the client's health response system during a time of great stress. Use energy healing to build a solid foundation step by step to rebuild the molecular structure of the cells and in turn the bodily systems. It is also best to work in increments and intermittently, so the molecular structures can recalibrate, and regenerate without stressing the physical structures.
First, regenerate the vertebrae's cellular structure in order to provide a foundation that is capable of holding the disc. Secondly, reestablish the health of each disc, leaving the neural pathways as your last concern. Once the spine is stabilized, then revitalize the neural pathways. If you reactivate the nerves before you have a solid base in the spinal column, you might create more inflammation and pain than necessary. Rebuilding a system, inch by inch produces a stronger foundation that will allow the client to rebuild his muscular system with physical therapy without causing extra pain.
Although stem cell research is providing a gateway of hope for Spinal cord injuries,electromagnetic bio molecular energy healing can and will be a beneficial healing modality.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs. There are no guarantees with the Energy work.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Bone fracture, broken bone regeneration healing testimonial
Bone Fracture, broken bone regeneration healing testimonial
A Pomeranian had a non union fracture of the distal idius and ulna ( wrist & front leg bone) in May. In August, her bone was not healing and the vet decided to put a pin in leg or amputate. In August, Brent Atwater a medical intuitive and distant energy healer began bone regeneration treatments. In September when the vet decided to x-ray her leg for the pin surgery and were pleased to discover that the leg had begun healing. So October 8th was the date the pin, would be inserted. When the vet took the pre surgery x-ray, the leg had healed even more. By November x-rays documented that her leg was totally healed. JG, NC
To see more healing results:
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
A Pomeranian had a non union fracture of the distal idius and ulna ( wrist & front leg bone) in May. In August, her bone was not healing and the vet decided to put a pin in leg or amputate. In August, Brent Atwater a medical intuitive and distant energy healer began bone regeneration treatments. In September when the vet decided to x-ray her leg for the pin surgery and were pleased to discover that the leg had begun healing. So October 8th was the date the pin, would be inserted. When the vet took the pre surgery x-ray, the leg had healed even more. By November x-rays documented that her leg was totally healed. JG, NC
To see more healing results:
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
Psoriasis testimonial of healing
Psoriasis testimonial of healing.
"My affected skin has been steadily clearing. My torso is clearing in spots (many almost clear or clearing spots). It seems to finish in one area and then go on to another. My back and legs are clearing in big patches. My forehead is almost clear, it looks like a minor sunburn now instead of a bright red acid burn! These are the "original" areas that I've had for a long time. Some of the newer patches from my recent psoriasis outbreak (8 weeks ago) are still there, but on my legs, the clearing is wrapping around the back to the newer areas. It's hard to believe that this Friday makes it only 3 weeks since the appt! My mom (and me, too) is very excited and impressed." CR
For more results see:
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
"My affected skin has been steadily clearing. My torso is clearing in spots (many almost clear or clearing spots). It seems to finish in one area and then go on to another. My back and legs are clearing in big patches. My forehead is almost clear, it looks like a minor sunburn now instead of a bright red acid burn! These are the "original" areas that I've had for a long time. Some of the newer patches from my recent psoriasis outbreak (8 weeks ago) are still there, but on my legs, the clearing is wrapping around the back to the newer areas. It's hard to believe that this Friday makes it only 3 weeks since the appt! My mom (and me, too) is very excited and impressed." CR
For more results see:
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Prayer: Suggestions on How to Pray, Realizing the Power of Your Prayer
There is a technique for everything, including prayers. Although emanating from your heart and soul, prayers can be refined to produce better results through the following suggestions on how to verbalize your prayer requests.
1. Be SPECIFIC, YOU MUST BE SPECIFIC! Being specific lets Heaven know exactly what you are requesting. It's not God / the Universe/ or your Higher Power's job to guess what you are trying to communicate. If you want a dog, specify border collie, or yellow laborador retriever, otherwise don't be disappointed when you receive a non descript Heinz 57 "dog." If you want to be physically , emotionally, or mentally healed from Cancer, depression, an intecessory prayer request for healing helps faciltate your healing hourney.
2. Use "I ASK": “ask and ye shall receive." Sometimes when we communicate that we want a specific request or result answered, we are really general, sorta "ho hum" about the intention. The Bible states "ask and ye shall receive". Using the term "I ask" gets God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power's attention that you are serious about your request, and not just having a hopeful conversation with yourself.
3. “IT IS MY INTENT.” That phrase brings your prayers into the NOW, at this very moment in time. When you state that it is your intention, intention is never never land, with no end or beginning, just "out there" somewhere in time. Do you want results in this lifetime or incarnation? Then set your intent, with a "t" to produce immedicate results, not intend with a "d" for never never land time.
4. Repeat the prayer 3 times, 3 is the universal number. This creates emphasis and focus! You may choose to say it only once, I prefer emphasis if it really means that much to me.
5. At the end of your prayer request, end it with "Now, Forevermore, and Always." "Now”, brings the prayer into the present timeframe. “Forevermore” takes the prayer into all of time so your answer can come from "all there is in all of time". “Always” makes the prayer results continuous, and not just a quick fix. Your free will choice can choose the length of the results after they have occurred.
6. Then add, "So be it, it is done. Thank you." “So be it” brings your prayer into the present life situation instantly. “It is done” manifests that your prayer IS reality! Adding "thank you" reflects your grattitude for any and all help.
7. Prayer Confirmations: If you are asking for a prayer confirmation, or to be shown something, ASK for a specific timeframe and for a specific number of confirmations within that timeframe. I suggest 3 confirmations within 24, 48 or 72 hours, or choose a specific timeframe. Ask that you be able to see, recognize, interpret and understand the confirmation sent to you from your Higher Power and Guides. What God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power, may feel is really obvious, may not, at this point be understandable by you.
8. If you do NOT get any confirmations, then KNOW that it may not be the time for you to have an answer. Try again later and specifically ask in another way. I always try 3 times. Sometimes no answer is THE current answer.
What does this mean? It means the God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power needs a little more time in processing and lining up the myriad number of details for your answer. The Universe doesn’t respond with a half-baked answer.
Try these how to pray suggestions and realize the power of YOUR prayers.
Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
1. Be SPECIFIC, YOU MUST BE SPECIFIC! Being specific lets Heaven know exactly what you are requesting. It's not God / the Universe/ or your Higher Power's job to guess what you are trying to communicate. If you want a dog, specify border collie, or yellow laborador retriever, otherwise don't be disappointed when you receive a non descript Heinz 57 "dog." If you want to be physically , emotionally, or mentally healed from Cancer, depression, an intecessory prayer request for healing helps faciltate your healing hourney.
2. Use "I ASK": “ask and ye shall receive." Sometimes when we communicate that we want a specific request or result answered, we are really general, sorta "ho hum" about the intention. The Bible states "ask and ye shall receive". Using the term "I ask" gets God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power's attention that you are serious about your request, and not just having a hopeful conversation with yourself.
3. “IT IS MY INTENT.” That phrase brings your prayers into the NOW, at this very moment in time. When you state that it is your intention, intention is never never land, with no end or beginning, just "out there" somewhere in time. Do you want results in this lifetime or incarnation? Then set your intent, with a "t" to produce immedicate results, not intend with a "d" for never never land time.
4. Repeat the prayer 3 times, 3 is the universal number. This creates emphasis and focus! You may choose to say it only once, I prefer emphasis if it really means that much to me.
5. At the end of your prayer request, end it with "Now, Forevermore, and Always." "Now”, brings the prayer into the present timeframe. “Forevermore” takes the prayer into all of time so your answer can come from "all there is in all of time". “Always” makes the prayer results continuous, and not just a quick fix. Your free will choice can choose the length of the results after they have occurred.
6. Then add, "So be it, it is done. Thank you." “So be it” brings your prayer into the present life situation instantly. “It is done” manifests that your prayer IS reality! Adding "thank you" reflects your grattitude for any and all help.
7. Prayer Confirmations: If you are asking for a prayer confirmation, or to be shown something, ASK for a specific timeframe and for a specific number of confirmations within that timeframe. I suggest 3 confirmations within 24, 48 or 72 hours, or choose a specific timeframe. Ask that you be able to see, recognize, interpret and understand the confirmation sent to you from your Higher Power and Guides. What God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power, may feel is really obvious, may not, at this point be understandable by you.
8. If you do NOT get any confirmations, then KNOW that it may not be the time for you to have an answer. Try again later and specifically ask in another way. I always try 3 times. Sometimes no answer is THE current answer.
What does this mean? It means the God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power needs a little more time in processing and lining up the myriad number of details for your answer. The Universe doesn’t respond with a half-baked answer.
Try these how to pray suggestions and realize the power of YOUR prayers.
Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive &
Complementary & Integrative Distant Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Alternative Emergency Medicine: Complementary and Integrative Energy Healing & Medical Intuition
Alternative Emergency Medicine: Complementary and Integrative Energy Healing & Medical Intuition
Brent Atwater announces the expansion of the Emergency Medicine area in her holistic complementary and integrative Medical Intuitive and Healing Energy Medicine practice. Her work has produced beneficial results for those in emergency, trauma, critical or intensive care and catastrophic injury situations.
Emergency medicine in trauma centers is critical and intensive care at it's best and most hectic. There is no time to consult the medical dictionaries, or wait for a specialist. Diagnosis and healing must occur immediately!
Brent sees inside a client's body (either onsite or at a distance) like an x ray, MRI, CAT, or PET scan. For trauma care triage nurses and emergency room doctors this ability saves precious time identifying the extent, severity and location of the trauma injury and helping to determe whether a patient needs critical or intensive care responses. It is particularly effective in pediatric critical care or pediatric intensive care situations due to its noninvasive quality and lack of side effects. You can be located anywhere on earth & I can give you my medical intuitive findings or distance energy healing by telephone.
Energy Healing and medical intuitive work is complementary to and compatible with emergency medicine. Healing Energy is non invasive, and can be done onsite, or at a distance creating beneficial effects and results for the patient while the physicians or pediatricians are using allopathic treatments and during their procedures.
The Healing Energy has very beneficial effects in the following conditions:
Stabilizing Heart rate, raises oxygen levels
Blood disorders, Septicemia/Systemic Infection, embolism, bleeding
Bone fracture, bone regeneration
Brain Injury, Brain trauma, Stroke, TIA,
Seizures, Concussion
Cardiac, Electromagnetic disorders
Catastrophic & critical injury
Cervical disc & neck trauma
Chronic Pain relief
Musculoskeletal symptoms, muscular regenerations
Neuromuscular disease, disorder, paralysis
Nerve damage, nerve trauma, nerve entrapment,
Nerve disorders, Nerve injury & Nerve pain, nerve paralysis
Neurological injury and trauma
Spinal Cord injury, spinal cord trauma, herniated disc, lumbar spine
Trauma injury,
Critical care and intensive care, emergency energy medicine
See Sports Injury & Alternative Healing Page
See Main Alternative Healing Disease & Disorders Page
Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive & Distance Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206USA
Web site :
Brent Atwater announces the expansion of the Emergency Medicine area in her holistic complementary and integrative Medical Intuitive and Healing Energy Medicine practice. Her work has produced beneficial results for those in emergency, trauma, critical or intensive care and catastrophic injury situations.
Emergency medicine in trauma centers is critical and intensive care at it's best and most hectic. There is no time to consult the medical dictionaries, or wait for a specialist. Diagnosis and healing must occur immediately!
Brent sees inside a client's body (either onsite or at a distance) like an x ray, MRI, CAT, or PET scan. For trauma care triage nurses and emergency room doctors this ability saves precious time identifying the extent, severity and location of the trauma injury and helping to determe whether a patient needs critical or intensive care responses. It is particularly effective in pediatric critical care or pediatric intensive care situations due to its noninvasive quality and lack of side effects. You can be located anywhere on earth & I can give you my medical intuitive findings or distance energy healing by telephone.
Energy Healing and medical intuitive work is complementary to and compatible with emergency medicine. Healing Energy is non invasive, and can be done onsite, or at a distance creating beneficial effects and results for the patient while the physicians or pediatricians are using allopathic treatments and during their procedures.
The Healing Energy has very beneficial effects in the following conditions:
Stabilizing Heart rate, raises oxygen levels
Blood disorders, Septicemia/Systemic Infection, embolism, bleeding
Bone fracture, bone regeneration
Brain Injury, Brain trauma, Stroke, TIA,
Seizures, Concussion
Cardiac, Electromagnetic disorders
Catastrophic & critical injury
Cervical disc & neck trauma
Chronic Pain relief
Musculoskeletal symptoms, muscular regenerations
Neuromuscular disease, disorder, paralysis
Nerve damage, nerve trauma, nerve entrapment,
Nerve disorders, Nerve injury & Nerve pain, nerve paralysis
Neurological injury and trauma
Spinal Cord injury, spinal cord trauma, herniated disc, lumbar spine
Trauma injury,
Critical care and intensive care, emergency energy medicine
See Sports Injury & Alternative Healing Page
See Main Alternative Healing Disease & Disorders Page
Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive & Distance Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206USA
Web site :
Friday, October 21, 2005
Energy Healing for Your Sick Children, Family Members & Friends with Love.

Energy Healing for Your Sick Children, Family Members & Friends with Love.
The alternative medicine of Love is a great Healer. Often times when a child is sick, a Mother doesn't know where to turn other than to allopathic medicine. Complementary to and integrated with traditional medical treatments and procedures is love. There have been many "miraculous" turn arounds and healings that have been supported by a caregiver or family member who thru love have held hope and belief that the patient will get well against all the odds. A caregiver's loving touch, prayers and contribution to a positive environment and positive attitudes can help change the course of an illness. Below are some suggestions to help facilitate healing in someone you love.
As a caregiver, you can learn ways to help your "patient's" environment, which in turn contributes to their well-being. The environment that surrounds a sick person takes on the energy of those people that participate in the patient's healing journey. It is imperative to have all those that are working towards the health of the patient to have a positive "can do" attitude. Even unspoken dismay and disbelief permeates the patient's and the environment's energy field, and contributes negative energy that cancels a positive atmosphere. Holding a positive loving attitude creates a subliminal environmental energy support system that inspires the desire to live and to have better health.
Unless medically prohibited, plants help an environment, as do cheerful colors, soothing music, prayer and laughter. Laughter therapy is rapidly gaining ground as a healing modality, like positive attitudes. Create a happy book, wall, or poster board with fun pictures to contribute to positive mental health that assists healing. The power of laughter and positive attitudes both trigger the brain to create chemicals that cause the body to create better immune system responses which is critical when combating illness.
On a physical level, a caregiver can use their love to help the patient's health.
(Information for this exercise: you receive energy with your left hand and send energy if you are right handed, and the reverse if you are left handed.)
If you are right handed, placing your left hand on your heart and your right hand on the patient's left hand state: "Thru the Love of my heart I send you my life force energy to do with as you so choose on your healing journey." This honors the patient's journey, whether it is being physically cured or healing thru transition.
Another technique is to hold the ball of the patient's feet in the palm of your hands and state: "I send you my life force energy to use as you so choose, and it is my intent to remove any and all excess, unnecessary, toxic, pain and unhealthy energy and to replace that energy with the physically healing, pain free energy of the Christ White Light (or the Universe, or whatever power source that you acknowledge). So be it, it is done." This helps the patient to become more balanced and stabilized. It has shown great results.
Healing and the power of healing on all levels can to be summed up in the phrase "and the greatest of these is love."
Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.
Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Medical Intuition & Distance Energy Healing for Sports injuries & pain

Sports Medicine, Alternative Medicine & Energy Medicine: Energy Healing for Sports injuries, rehabilitation and Sports Pain therapy and management
In addition to her alternative health and holistic Energy Medicine practice addressing disease and disorder, Brent Atwater's medical intuitive and distance energy healing work has produced beneficial results in Sports medicine, (Alternative Sports Medicine healing , Pain therapy and Sports rehabilitation) for those tough sports injuries. see or
Medial intuition saves precious time identifying what needs to be treated. Brent's ability to look into a client's body like a MRI or Xray machine ( either onsite or at a distance) to determine the extent ans severity of the injusry is a real asset in sports medicine on the playing field or in the emergency room. She . In the weeks and months following the initial sports injury, using her medical intution can help refine pain management, sports therapies and rehabilitation treatments for ongoing issues, chronic pain and health conditions created by your sports injury.
As a distance energy healer, Brent's bioenergy work is electromagnetic in nature, like magnet therapy or electromagnetic TENS unit muscle stimulator therapy. Her work has created wonderful results with numbness, nerve damage, paralysis, chronic pain management, and other neuromuscular, or neuroskeletal disorders, back pain, spinal cord injury and others. See
Brent work is complementary with chiropractors, sports physicians, health care practitioners, atheletic trainers and sports rehabilitation therapists, atheletes and individuals. She integrates her energy healing with their procedures and treatments.
Brent participates in ongoing research and clinical trials.Her medical intuitive and distance energy healing work is doccumented.
Sports injury conditions in which her energy healing work has very beneficial effects:
Back Pain, low-back pain ( lumbago)
Blood disorders, Septicemia/Systemic Infection, embolism, bruising
Bone fracture regeneration, Stress fractures
Brain Injury, Stroke, TIA, Seizures, Concussion
Cardiac, Electromagnetic disorders
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Catastrophic & critical injury
Cervical disc & neck pain
Chronic Pain relief, pain management
InflammationDeep Vein Thrombosis
Musculoskeletal symptoms, muscular regenerations, muscle soreness
Neuromuscular disease, disorder therapy,
Nerve damage, nerve inflammation, nerve entrapment,Nerve disorders,
Nerve injury & Nerve pain
Neurological disorders and disease
Spinal Cord injury, herniated disc, lumbar spine pain
"Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges" is also a great book and resource for those long standing Sports injuries, using your mind over your matter!For further details see:
Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.
Contact Information:
Brent Atwater
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA
Web site :
Sports Medicine Blog:
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Tips for Choosing Your Support Group

Tips for Choosing Your Support Group
Support groups come in all sizes and flavors, in person and online. Whether you're looking for a divorce support group, a cancer support group, depression, grief, or weight loss support group, the elements for providing you with substantive and positive emotional, mental, physical or spiritual support are still the same. There are two kinds of support groups: positive and negative.
A pro-active positive support group is one that promotes learning about new medicines, new procedures, new clinical trials, new books, CD's et al about your disorder. This group promotes going forward, and helps facilitate your research and personal empowerment as a blessing.
When you are introduced to the group they do not spend endless hours recounting the disease story about why you are here. It's a fact that does not need to be addressed again and again that you have a disorder story. YOU live it, so why keep going over it and over it and over it, to activate all that negative energy? That's WHY you joined that particular group.
The positive group leader is not intimidated by your unanswerable questions, but is inspired to become more educated about your topic. Your leader encourages you to ask current unanswerable questions and challenges each member to think beyond disease limiting conditions and current horizons. They promote all of the members to participate by delegating various positive assignments for everyone.
If this is a local group, you take "glad to be alive, share life" field trips that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the disorder, and EVERYTHING about feeling good about yourself, seeing the world, laughing and having a balanced life.
This group supports taking care of your appearance, sharing new ideas, resources and adventures about makeup, hair, wardrobe, personal hygiene and physical rehabilitation and exercise. This group wants you to care about your personal appearance, so when you look in the mirror and are seen by friends, you look alive, and as healthy and refined as possible for your condition. They discourage maintaining a "sick" image.
It should be a great concern to be in a group that does nothing but recount what was and all that is unhealthy and unhappily going on in the life of it's participants. Inevitably this will negatively
impact participant's minds and spirits. This is often seen in online Internet groups.
Research tends to support that recounting your horror story and reading the countless venting of others, does not support a positive attitude that promotes physical healing and healthy emotional and mental responses.
This group meets only to go over and over and over your tale of diagnosis and personal devastation, from your introduction "story" to your tale of weekly woes. This is a disorder "victim" group. It is commiseration of negative energy at the highest level of disguise.
No matter how much you think that this group is helping you, they are not. They exist to talk about and share negative experiences creating a "stuck" atmosphere. It’s bonding by perpetual "downers."You do not receive points on the other side for being a victim of your diagnosis, disease, or plight. You are in fact, contributing to your own demise. Acceptance is one thing, denial another.
Being a victim assists your problem in draining your own life force energy. Having a problem and addressing it with the "pity poor me" approach is futile. It may elicit help for a while, but the keyword here is for a while. Give up the pity party. Fight! Instead, use that time researching how to restore and regenerate your life.
Do not use the fact that you are having a terrible reaction to something in your treatment as making you special or as your identity. I have seen many cancer clients who wanted attention, and used the negative occurrences in their illness as a banner to set them apart. This is not productive. It frustrates your healthcare provider. They are aware of the psychological reasons you are using your negative reaction for attention. Understanding that this is a confusing and complicated time in your life, try to take your identity from your positive approach to life. Therefore, when you healthcare provider does not emphasize or respond to your negative identity crisis, it’s a good sign. Their job is to assist your health, not enable you.
Grieving is an area that takes a little more time. HOWEVER, positive attitudes are essential here also. Although you have lost a loved one, living with a dead memory can kill off your life force energy day to day and breath by breath. I personally understand this as my fiance was killed in a sudden auto crash. I never had the chance to say ANYTHING! However, it's better to celebrate their life and remember all the good. Then you keep all the "positive" alive which is contributory to your healing. By celebrating their life, you never have to bury their memories. You can take them out at any time, like a special gift and savor all the wonderful thoughts and feelings.
Weight loss is just that. It takes times. However, while waiting, you can focus on the light at the end of the scale, instead of the chocolate bars and emotional traumas creating your health issue. You CAN tell a health story that presents your "learning opportunity" as a learning opportunity to help heal the others in your group, rather than a commiseration band aid.
If your group is not continually teaching you new and progressive things, and supporting your positiveemotional, mental, spiritual and physical and appearance growth, leave.
If your group doesn't embrace having an open mind and awareness without censorship other than that of your personal intuition, leave!UNTIL you take your knowledge gained from any group and turn it into a positive learning opportunity that you do something about! you are not going forward. Unless you choose to grow forward, you will remain in the same condition that brought you into the group in the first place.
Research continues to affirm that being a part of a positive support can add quality and quantity to your life. Although the intent of most support groups is to be contributory in helping it's members, a negative group can ultimately do more harm than good.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Medical Intuition & the Medical Intuitive: A Day in The Life of A Medical Intuitive - Part 1

Medical Intuition & the Medical Intuitive:
A Day in The Life of A Medical Intuitive - Part 1
Most articles on medical intuition and medical intuitives address how to get certification, natural gift development, and awakening the intuitive you. This article presents the human side of this ability.
Traditional medicine is becoming more integrated with alternative medicine (thank goodness). Depending upon the open mindedness of the health care facility and it's staff you receive different welcomes.
My real name is Brent Atwater. However when I walk into Intensive Care, my name is "who the H…is that?" Moving on to the patient's room, visitors ask and call me "who's she?" As the attending healthcare provider whispers out of the side of their mouth to the immediate family, "who's that, and why is she here", I gain yet another identity.
If asked to leave the room, the family immediately states, "she's with us", so I'm not escorted out. Interesting, during this entire process, I don't have a name. So don't think you're going to arrive in a healthcare facility and be given a beautiful brass badge that says Medical Intuitive. Let's also dispel the fact that no one but the family and client really cares what you do except to get information for their benefit or to learn more about your skills, mostly out of curiosity.
In more progressive hospitals I get to be a "medical intuitive", and no one makes a funny face and tilts their head saying "a what?" However, the curious come out of the corners. "You do WHAT?" is the standard reply when you explain that you can look inside a patient's body like a human MRI. Immediately they say, "what do you see in me?" I never answer that with a parlor trick. Instead I explain that it would not honor them or their issues to do a quick "focus and find." To perform Kodak moments for the benefit of justifying your competency is, in my opinion, neither professional nor contributory to the profession's legitimacy.
Some medical intuitives claim to smell disease and disorder. Think about that…… not your pleasant aromatherapy input. Unless you learn how to manage your abilities, i.e. put up and take out of your gift portfolio briefcase what is needed when you need it, medical intuition can negatively permeate your human being. Walking around on a day-to-day basis smelling disease is NOT pleasant.
And then there's standing in the line at the post office everyday or during the holiday rush. There's Bob with heart disease shining thru his next day air, Sally holding the hand of her son who is about to get a sore throat, and Martha at the counter with kidney failure on the way. Selling stamps is Marvin who was abused as a child and his counterpart wrapping a priority mail envelope while manifesting breast cancer. This input definitely makes your standing in line more unique that others, but on an ongoing basis is not fun and is rather intense. You have to consciously shut out the information you receive, both to honor the soul who is in your sensory path, and to honor your sanity! Controlling your ability and monitoring when you use it, will create less personal burn out.
For Carolyn Myss and others who have paved the way for those of us that follow, our hats are off to each of you. Medical intuition and medical intuitives have come a long way. Whether you are naturally gifted, heavily certified, or somewhere in between, there will still be a time when your client say, "wow, you guessed exactly what the doctor said" OR, "how'd you know this would be on the MRI?"
In our next segment we'll address: "A Day of Consultations". It starts with your client saying, "Let me tell you what is wrong with me!" Hello?????
Feel Free to reprint this article in it's original format.
Brent Atwater
Atlanta, GA 1.404.242.9022 USA
NC Office: 1.910.692.5206 USA
Friday, September 02, 2005
Why A medical Intuitive Body Scan?

Why is Brent's Medical Intuitive "Body Scan" helpful?
A "Body Scan" SAVES TIME !!!
Brent has the ability to look inside your body, like a human MRI, PET, or Cat Scan. This saves time in catastrophic care or critical or intensive care situations.
A body Scan
1. Clarifies and identifies critical diseases or other imbalances that can be emotional, mental or spiritual.
2. It locates the disease and disorder areas in your body.
3. It helps determine the "urgency" of your physical situation.
The Body Scan or bioenergy evaluation is a detailed analysis of what is happening within each client's physical system at all levels -cellularly, organically, muscularly, skeletally, etc., This technique is considered a category of "Vibrational Medicine" and Energy Medicine.
The scanning process can also:
1. Confirm medical test results
2. Provide an alternative medicine diagnostic viewpoint
3. Identify areas that have not yet become detectable by traditional medical examinations or testing.
This information can assist you in making decisions about your medical treatment, and health care
Brent Atwater
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